Photo by Molly Steinwald

Photography Contest Guidelines
The Winter Nature Detective Photography Contest has begun! The judges will be looking for photographs of the local nature around us. There will be three contest periods: fall, winter, and spring. Each season, your child can submit ONE photograph that best represents that season. Pictures must be printed in order to be accepted. Students must turn in a 5X7 or 8X10 photograph to school by the deadline for it to be judged. Please ensure that the children are taking the photos.
The Winter Nature Detective Photography Contest has begun! The judges will be looking for photographs of the local nature around us. There will be three contest periods: fall, winter, and spring. Each season, your child can submit ONE photograph that best represents that season. Pictures must be printed in order to be accepted. Students must turn in a 5X7 or 8X10 photograph to school by the deadline for it to be judged. Please ensure that the children are taking the photos.
Photograph by Molly Steinwald

The Winter Photography Contest Deadline is Monday January 9, 2012. There will be three grade level winners (K, 1st, and 2nd) for each season. Each season the winners' photographs will be featured at CPS and on this website. At the end of the school year, the winning pictures will be voted upon to determine a Grand Prize Winner to receive a free digital camera.

CVS Photo Printing Discount Students can print their contest photos at a discounted price ($1.25 for a 5X7) at our local CVS stores in Aurora and Streetsboro. We want to thank CVS for their support of the project.