Dr. Shin Goto, Natalie Harr, Dr. Richard Lee and Dr. Dave Denlinger (left to right)
We study one insect and its name is Belgica antarctica. Not surprisingly, we are known as "The Buggers" here at Palmer Station. In fact, this wingless fly is the southernmost, free-living insect in Antarctica and it's the largest animal that remains on land throughout the year.
Photo by Dr. Richard E. Lee Jr.
The adults of Belgica antarctica live for only 10 days during the Antarctic summer. Although they are the largest Antarctic land animal, they only measure 3-4 mm in length!
Photo by Dr. Richard E. Lee, Jr.
In its two-year life cycle, Belgica antarctica undergoes complete metamorphosis. It spends most of its time in its larval stage (above).

The Bugger Team....